Just Men is the catalyst in fulfilling the journey to manhood, brotherhood and fatherhood. The candid dialogue and mentoring of Just Men is revolutionary and vital to the emerging issues faced by men today. Just Men serves as the conduit for resilient behavioral changes for the betterment of men, where identify is destiny in God.

Although Just Men began its broadcast in January 2000, the building began long before the vision for television. In 1991, after experiencing disappointing and frustrating relationships in church, work, and family matters, I embarked on a journey to find answers to my brokenness as a man, husband, step-father and leader. The question that continue to cloud my mind, "is this all that life has to offer?" At that point of surrendering, I realized the need to know God was more vital than ever before. Life had manifested itself as an illusion filled with superficiality, cloaked with all forms of religious activities, but lacking the power to embody the true character of God. No matter how determined I was to correct and control my circumstances and surroundings, institutionalized thinking hindered my mindset and progress. The process of being born-again took on a new meaning: complete transformation is derived from a renewed mind. As Christ powerfully stated…”the Kingdom of God does not come by observations (it’s here or there); for the Kingdom of God is within you”.

The Spirit of God constrained numerous men throughout the community to join me in a monthly fellowship to discuss the day-to-day issues faced by men. We were profoundly impacted and encouraged by the results of these transparent fellowships. Some of the issues discussed were sex, communication, finance, broken and redemptive relationships, selfish ambitions, fornication, idolatry and pride. It took nine years of fellowship to birth Just Men into existence (from seed-form to tree), and every step of development increased our faith to bridge our union with God.

After 400 plus episodes of Just Men, the most common theme that plagued men relates to the distorted image and misunderstanding of manhood. Whether men are trying to live-up to the unrealistic expectations and pressure of love ones, friends, and society at large; or accepting the false identity that defines manhood by their possessions, professions, or reputation; men continue to explore life without a clear vision of their identity and divine purpose ("why I do, what I do, when I do"). While many men search frivolously to find their identity, the impact of this search has yielded a distorted and broken image that's more often defined by personality and physical appearance than substance of character. Life shaped by the opinions and observations of those blinded by darkness, will never discover the treasures of life that is revealed by knowing the light of God.

How long will we continue to search for this elusive treasure outside of ourselves through people, places, and things, but never explore the real being that has been deposited by God within mankind. It is only darkness that blinds the minds of men who think and act as if they are separated from God. Although expressed in simplicity, I'm also aware that this process of knowing God's light to find identity and a renew mind is not without sacrifice or cost, nor will it happen without God’s Spirit.

Many men lose focus and find themselves disconnected and discontent when their eyes and mind become intoxicated with the overwhelmingly affection for self and the things of this world rather than the spiritual world of God. Contrary to popular opinion, men will not "unconditionally" love others without first possessing a genuine love for God. The premise and rhetoric that mankind must love themselves before they can love others is flawed for the simple truth (according to God’s word) that the flesh has been distorted by sin and is naturally absorbed in selfishness and lacks the ability to live sacrificially apart from God.

Men willingly and purposefully close their eyes to godliness in order to fulfill the distorted appetite of the flesh. Men, whether consciously or unconsciously, know that once their eyes are opened, the sovereign light of God, from deep within, will constrain their mindset into acts of godliness as prodigal sons. It's nothing new. This covenant has been established from the genesis of time and is impossible to be broken. Bottom-line, either we are in oneness with God or a hostage to this world.

Religion and its supporting theme of uniqueness and separation continue to keep mankind in darkness. The light and Spirit of God has been earmarked within each individual (individualized expression of God) to transform and empower God's image. Emphatically, the resemblance of a man is truly defined by his union with God. The opposite holds true as well, as the Apostle Paul stated profoundly that when he was a child, he spoke as a child, understood as a child and thought as a child, but when he became a man, he put away childish things (I Corinthians 13:11).

Wake-up to the light of God and become "JUST MEN"!